Pureheart Blog

Captain Clean is Confident
Tim Davis Tim Davis

Captain Clean is Confident

Captain Clean is confident. Wow, I’m not just hopeful—I’m extremely confident. I’ve personally led over 300 men into consistent purity. Old, young, rich, poor, married, single, white, black, Latino, Asian, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Quaker, Catholic, American, Canadian, African, English, Australian, and Chinese! The point is, the Pureheart Process is indeed battle-tested and proven.

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Testimony Tuesday: A Missionary’s Story
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: A Missionary’s Story

Now with a year of consistent purity, I can say there is no better way to live. There is no more burden of guilt and shame; the fear of secrets being revealed; the stress of watching my back and fighting the Holy Spirit’s conviction, daily trying to justify myself. Those were a lot of heavy burdens, that now having been removed, I don't know how I ever lived before. There is so much more to life beyond the cage of lust and sexual immorality. So much more to marriage. So much more to God.

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Captain Clean is Consistent
Tim Davis Tim Davis

Captain Clean is Consistent

Captain Clean is consistently pure. Captain Clean doesn’t just confess his or her sins weekly and practice brutal honesty with his or her band of brothers/sisters. Our Captain has broken free of that oh-so-addictive cycle. (Yeah, I know—those of you in denial are still resisting that term “addict.”)

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Testimony Tuesday: A Wife’s Testimony
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: A Wife’s Testimony

I came across Pureheart Ministries and gave him an ultimatum. You can opt into this program or opt out of this marriage. It had to be his choice, but I was not going to enable him or allow this to destroy one more month of our lives…(now) we are closer than we’ve ever been. There are no more secrets! I know that he is open and honest with me about everything. He checks in with me weekly (as well as with Tim) and he has been pure for a year now.

We never could have come this far without Pureheart Ministries. It has truly changed our lives and our marriage!

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Captain Clean is Truthful
Tim Davis Tim Davis

Captain Clean is Truthful

Captain Clean tells the truth. Come on, brothers and sisters, pull your heads out of the dirt of denial. Do you really think you can spend a lifetime lying and then face Jesus on Judgment Day and suffer no eternal consequences? God is the Father of Truth; if you choose to continue in your lies of commission and omission, then your daddy is the devil, the father of lies. Captain Clean chooses honesty because he or she knows that all our sins will be exposed on the Day of Days.

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Testimony Tuesday:      A Saved Life, Marriage, and Relationship with God
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: A Saved Life, Marriage, and Relationship with God

1 year ago my marriage was in danger of ending. Today as I write this, I celebrate my 33rd wedding anniversary with my wife, best-friend and partner. I have learned of God’s Love, Grace and Forgiveness through her as she has forgiven me, shown me grace and loves me, and we are closer today then we have ever been. I am truly blessed to have her. I am grateful for the ministry of Pureheart. It has saved my life, my marriage and restored my relationship with God. I Am a Child of God!

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Meet Captain Clean
Tim Davis Tim Davis

Meet Captain Clean

Meet Captain Clean! Captain Clean is…well, clean. He or she has finally made that oh-so-crucial first step into ongoing honesty and confession of sin.

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Testimony Tuesday: There is Hope!
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: There is Hope!

I grew up in a Christian home. God has always been an important part of my life. I was baptized at age 11. But I started down a path of pornography addiction at 13 … Pureheart has been a key part of breaking through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers to experience spiritual growth and freedom from addiction.

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Testimony Tuesday:  The Journey Back to Purity of Heart
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: The Journey Back to Purity of Heart

I grew up in a Christian home. God has always been an important part of my life. I was baptized at age 11. But I started down a path of pornography addiction at 13 … Pureheart has been a key part of breaking through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers to experience spiritual growth and freedom from addiction.

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Testimony Tuesday: Another Married Man’s Testimony
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: Another Married Man’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home. God has always been an important part of my life. I was baptized at age 11. But I started down a path of pornography addiction at 13 … Pureheart has been a key part of breaking through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers to experience spiritual growth and freedom from addiction.

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Testimony Tuesday: A Married Man’s Testimony
Testimony Tim Davis Testimony Tim Davis

Testimony Tuesday: A Married Man’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home. God has always been an important part of my life. I was baptized at age 11. But I started down a path of pornography addiction at 13 … Pureheart has been a key part of breaking through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers to experience spiritual growth and freedom from addiction.

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Reason #3 For Calling Pureheart Ministries
Tim Davis Tim Davis

Reason #3 For Calling Pureheart Ministries

There is simply no substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of God’s Word. Pureheart counselors will help you change your life because God has changed our lives!

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